J ANUARY 20 25
Az Americ an It alian Club 7509 N. 12th St. Phoe ni x, AZ 85020 (602) 94 4 -3090
Sec o nd S atu r da y of the M on th M eetin g Begin s at 1:0 0 PM M e eting E n ds at 4:0 0 PM

Next me





be Saturda

y Jan


y 1


Pr esents t h e

Musette G


azac c ord ions4e ver@ gmail.com Web site: Ariz onaac c ord ion c lub .c om
Hea dliner Dale Mathis pla yed his new Korg



Bo ard Of Directors P aul Betk en (602) 471-9310 Chuck V oinovich (480) 451-44 16 Dennis Humlicek ( 602) 944-2854 Diane Mar den ( 60 2) 309- 3730 Leigh Dechaine (623) 582-3746

Words from the boar


The Arizona A ccordion Club
Pag e 2
Face Book Ariz ona accor dion club W eb si t e: Arizonaacco rdi onc lub. com
We are sorr y to have to an nounce the passing of Big  John Cieszak’s wif e Ricki Cieszak, Ricki h ad bec ome a memb er of th e club th is year and a tt en d ed mee tin gs p rior to b ein g ill. Harry Decker a forme r m ember of th e c lu b p assed last January in Big Water, Utah. Her e h e is with Tony Putrino.
Presiden t V ac an t Vic e Presiden t Chuck V oinovich Secret ary Leigh Dechaine T reasurer Diane Mar den
HONOR AY M EM BERS Pete Do na tell a * Ted L ee * Dr. Jon V an Suc h * John Ce singe r * J oe Kino * Al Mo n ti Hele n Criscio * Flaco Jimen ez * To ny Lovello * Frank Ma ro cco * Anth ony Gall a-Rini My ron F lore n * Art V an Damm e * Art Met zle r * Lenny Simmon s * Frank Ya nk ovic
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 3
Dale Mathis Headliner played his new Korg FIS A dig ital accordion for a one hour program. Dale told about programing the Korg and demon- strated a variety of sounds.
A p artial p lay list of Dale’s songs ar e Here C ome s San ta C lau se Blue Chris tmas Grandma Got Run Over By A Rein deer Mary’ s Boy Child Sleigh Ride My Favo rite Thing s White Christmas Carol O f Th e Bells Jin gle Bell Rock
Sherri Head wa s first up next p laying
Beer B arrel Polka T ennessee W altz All of Me Welcome to my W orld A Swinging Saf ari W alking After Midnight Sou t h Last Date Let T here Be Peace on Earth
Dale p ut on a gre at s how wi th lo ts of de mon str a tions of w ha t the KO RG ca n do
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 4
Alla n Solheim up next playing his Roland Je sus Lo ves Me The O ld Ru gged C ross
Dan iel L udde rs p la ye d many Polkas on his Italo Ame rican Acc ord ion . The y are Le t’s Have a P arty Polka P ittsbu r gh Polka Rap sody Waltz of th e Angels El Rio Dr ive Polka Me d le y I   Lo ve to Polka Red Raven Polka Hoop De Do Zip  Polka
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 5
Dick Wad nal’s first tu n e, a son g he wrote called …. Lost in a Dream Blue Chris tmas Fro sty the Snowman Holly Jo lly Ch ristm as Rockin Around the Ch ristm as Tree We Wish you a Mer ry Christm as Hello Ma ry Lou
Mee tin g end ed with a jam . . . Bill Burke tt on Mand olin, Den n is Harring ton ( a new visitor) , Ch uck V, Sherri Head, stand ing tall in th e back row are Dan iel Ludders and Ph il Goldb er ger The y p layed ... You  ar e my Sun shin e Tick Tock Polka Jin gle Bells Silen t Night …. To n am e a fe w
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 6
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 7
Amazing T echnics KN 7000 k e yboard arr an g er . Comes with s t and, carrying case, and instructions book. Th ese r outinely sell f or $1500. 00 and up.
S ylvia Jor g en sen 253 845 9321 In Mesa, Az
$800 .00
Lo Du c a with Casotto tone chamber. $7 50 Leigh Dec haine 623-582-3746
Th is spac e c ould c ontain your ad d
12803 W Des ert Gl en Dr. Sun Ci ty West Az. 85 37 5


ay Dues f

or 2


Our CL UB DUES ar e DUE January 2025. Thank you f or supporting the club every single year with y our attendance, y our perf ormances, y our friendship, and y our dues. That combo k eeps us aliv e and ex cit ed and will allow us to hos t the meetings at Az American It alian Club and to in vite the pla y er s we enjoy the mo s t.
Ariz ona Accordion Club Membership Form Please Print or T ype All Information
Include this for m w ith $35.00 for one-year membership fee payable to: Arizona Accordion Club. Send to : Az Accordion Cl ub 1 1 14 W Culver St Phoenix, AZ 85007 Full Name ______________ _ _____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ _____ ___ _ M ailing Address ______ _________ ___________________________ ____ ___ City____________ __ Sta te __ _____ _ Z ip _____ ___ ____ Phone Nu mbe rs Wor k ___________________
Cell: ______________ __ Fax : _______ ____ ___ ____ __ E-mail : __ ________________ _____ ___ _ W ebsite: __________________________ News l etter s wi ll be on line and emailed . Prin t ed c opie s M U S T Be r eque s t ed in prin t on y our r enew al f or m . C IRCLE: New Member Gift Membership Renewal Address Change azaccordions4ev er@gmai l.com A rizonaaccordionclub.com