Presents the


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azacc or dions4ever@gmail.com Websi te: Arizonaaccor dionc lu b.c om
Az Americ a n Italian Club 7509 N. 12th St. Ph oenix, AZ 85020 (602) 944 -309 0 Second Saturday of the Month Mee ting Begins at 1:00 PM M eet ing Ends at 4: 00 PM
Next meeting will be Saturday December 13th Felice Navidad. .. It is that ti me of y e ar to dig in the closets and other hiding places to find y ou Christm as Acco rdion Music. Christ m as m ee ting will be the clu b ’s own m e m be rs pla y ing a variet y of Christ m as m usic. .. .bring y our accordion an d musi c.
Preside nt V acan t Vice Presiden t Ch u ck V oin ovich Secretary Leigh De chain e Treasurer Diane Marde n B oa r d Of Dir e cto rs
The Arizona Ac c ordion Club
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Face Book ARIZONAAC- CORDIO N CLU B W ebsite : Arizon a a ccord io n- clu b .c o m
Paul Betken (602) 471 - 9310 Chu ck Voin ovich (480) 451 - 4416 Den nis Humlicek (602) 944- 2854 Diane Marden (602) 309 - 3730 Leigh Dechaine (623) 58 2 - 37 46

Words from the board

HONORAY MEMBERS Pete Donatella * Ted Lee * Dr. Jon Van Such * John Cesinger * Joe Kino * Al Monti Helen Criscio * Flaco Ji menez * Tony Lovello * Fra nk Mar occo * Anthony Ga lla -Ri ni Myron Floren * Art Van Damme * Art Metzler * Lenny Simmons * Frank Yankovic
Same m essage as last month. We NEED members to step in and help out. We have rea che d a point at the Ariz o na Accor dion Cl ub wher e we MUST have s ome new INVOLV E D me mbers . The current boar d h as bee n workin g overtime trying to keep a ll fa cets of the c lub func- ti on ing while pl uggin g t he hole l eft by the P res iden t’ s vaca ncy. Many hands make light work for a ll. We nee d a webmaster ca pable of cre ating a webs it e that is r esponsive to the c lub s need s. We need a media maste r that c an pr o- duce web based information. Ie face- book, Instagram, etc. We als o need a newsletter editor to cr eate our newsletter mo nt hl y. If you have skills in a ny of the se are as ple ase le t t he boar d know. Do you have a gra nd c hild t ha t spe nds a few days a month at your home. . . Most of the new ge nera tio n ca n ha n dl e any of th ese job s or wo uld be a gr eat le arnin g e xp erie nc e for t hem. Let’ s ALL put o ur th inking ha ts on a nd come up with CREATIVE wa ys to get the job done. . . The future of the c lub de- pe nds on YOU ALL.
The Arizona Ac c ordion Club
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Sher i Head wa s fir st up at t he meeti ng. Sportin g her R ola nd with Dale Ma t his enhanc em en ts: Born to lo se Chattanooga Choo C hoo Bumming Aro und (Jimmy Dean) Crazy Folsom Pri son Blue s Have you ever be en lo nely It h ad to be you Te nness ee Waltz (Pee We e King) Kentucky Waltz
Sheri Head and Ron Broska did a nice Roland present atio n as a pr elude to the meeting. Both tale nted and cap able musicia ns th ey de monstrated the Amazing Capabilities of the Ro- land A ccordion in the hands of knowledgea ble artists. Thanks Sheri and Ron. . . Do it again pl e ase
The Arizona Ac c ordion Club
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Leigh D ech aine was up ne xt a n d was sportin g a Mo difi ed Pier Mar ia ac cor dion. It is an older Pier Ma ria so was a ctually made in France by SEM and is FRENCH t uned. Leigh pr esen te d h is theory of Franz Sc hu- bert Lie der as be i ng the o nus f or t he c rea- tion of a Portable C instrument (acc ordion) since th e l ieds were writte n for Pia no a nd Vocal. Leigh p layed a varie ty of tune s showing the many sty les of music the accordion is associa te d w ith as well as t he history be- hi n d t hat musi c. A little Jazz, a li ttle Coun try, a little Frenc h, a little West e rn, a littl e Bi g Ba nd. Nice va rie ty and very interesting show. Thanks Leig h
Ro n Bro ska was up n ext w ith h is Rola nd. Ron is o ne of t he fi ne st musicia ns in the va l- ley. Great ear a nd smooth presentation. Tru mpet Ech o Then 2 songs t ha t were beau tifu l but R on didn’ t kn ow t he names. He ha d just h ear d them and decided to learn to play them. Yep, he is tha t good of a mus icia n. Oh Su sanna Another An onymous tune Wishing Wel l Thanks Ro n fo r supporting th e cl u b. Come back soon w hether you know the names or not .
5 The Arizona Ac c ordion Club
Page 5 Henri Slama was the meeting c lose r. Hen ri is a most accomplished a ccor dionist. Great f inger in g an d pre cisi o n in al l of his p layin g. La Cumparsit a Hungaria n Dance #5 Hejre Kati 1890 Tune from Bud apest Blue Danube (conc ert vers ion) Wood Pecker P olka Ferry Boat Sere na de Jolly Ca ballero La vie n R ose Always great to ha ve him vis it th e club an d per- form. . . . Than k s Henri
Meeting e nded with a jam. . . Since it was close to Veteran’ s day the jam starte d o ut with patr i- otic tunes. Inc luding the Armed Service’ s a nthems. Mis sing in the picture s was He nri Slama. Great e nding to a gre at meeting. Let’ s do t his a gain guys and gals.
The Arizona Ac c ordion Club
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7 The Arizona Ac c ordion Club
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odel 210 $500.00

Lo Duca with C asotto tone ch amber. $750 Leigh Dec ha in e 623 582 3746
Am azing Technics KN 7000 keyboard arranger . C om es with stand, carrying case, and instructions book. These routinely se ll for $15 00. 00 a nd up. Sylvia Jorgens en 253 84 5 9321 In M esa, Az $800.00
Pristine Castig lione 60 bass blue accor- dion. Microphones and padded sh oulder straps. Shor t ke y b oard 30 key s. In - cludes hard case and Soft Gig case. Great for st ro lling. L ig ht w eig ht. Joa n Ha as $37 5
12803 W Deser t Glen Dr. Su n City West Az. 85375
Arizona Acc ordion Club Membership Form Please Print or Type All Informati on
JOIN THE AAC! BE A MEMB ER! Include this f orm with $25.00 for one-year members hip fee payable to: Arizona Accor dion Club. Send to Arizona Accordion cl ub, c/o Pete Donatella, 4416 N. 102nd Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85037. Full Name ___ __ __ _ ____ ___ _ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ Maili ng A d d ress ___ __ __ _ ____ ___ _ ___ __ _ __ _ ____ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ ___ __ _ Ci ty_____ ____ ___ __ Sta te _ _ _____ _ Zip _ ____ ___ ____ Pho ne Numbe rs Home: ____ ___ ____ ___ _ Wo rk _ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ _ Cell: _ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ Fax: _______ ____ ___ ____ __ E-mail: __ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ _____ ___ _ Website: ___ ____ ___ __ __ __ _ ____ _ ___ _ Updates of Accordion Events e-mailed to you? Ye s No Starting Januar y 2013 Ne ws le tter will be on line a nd e mailed . Printed copies MUST Be re quested in print on yo ur renewal for m . New Member Gift Membersh ip Renewa l Address Ch ange http://w ww.azaccordionclub.com
JOIN THE AAC BE A M EM BER ! Include this f orm with $35.00 for one-year members hip fee payable to: Arizona Accor dion Club. Sen d to : Az A c c ordi on Clu b 12803 W Desert Gle n Dr Sun City W est, Az 853 75 Full Name ___ __ __ _ ____ ___ _ ___ __ _ __ _ ____ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ ___ __ Maili ng A d d ress ___ __ __ _ ____ ___ _ ___ __ _ __ _ ____ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ ___ __ _ Ci ty_____ ____ ___ __ Sta te _ _ _____ _ Zip _ ____ ___ ____ Pho ne Numbe rs Wo rk _ _ __ ___ _ ___ ____ _ __ _ Cell: _ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ Fax: _______ ____ ___ ____ __ E-mail: __ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ _____ ___ _ Website: ___ ____ ___ __ __ __ _ ____ _ ___ _ Ne w s letters will be on line a nd emai led . Printed copies MUST Be requested in print on yo ur rene wal for m .
CIRCLE: New Member Gift Membersh ip Renewa l Address Ch ange azac cordions4ever@gmail.com Arizonaaccordionclub.com
Our CLUB DUES ar e DUE January 2025. Thank you for supporting the club e ver y sin gle year with your attendance, your perform ances, your friendship, and your dues. That com bo keeps us alive and excited — and will allow us to host the m eetings at Az Am erican Italian Club and to invite the players we enjoy the m ost.
Pay du es for 2025
This is the first time I am taking the new Korg FISA accordion out in public, so expect the unexpected.
Arizona Accordion Club meeting. Saturday, Dec. 14. Italian/American Club, 7509 N. 12th Street, Phoenix.
1 PM - 4 PM
Club members play, Bring your accordion for Jam Session, $5.00 at door.
Dale Mathis Tenative play list.
1. Here Comes Santa Claus
2. Blue Christmas
3. Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer
4. Mary's Boy Child
5. Sleigh Ride
6. My Favorite Things
7. Winter Wonderland
8. White Christmas
9. Carol Of The Bells
10. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
11. Ding Dong Merrily On High
12. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
13. Feliz Navidad
14. I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
15. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night
16. Jingle Bell Rock
Korg Accordion, Jingle Bell Rock, Dale Mathis
Korg Accordion, Jingle Bell Rock, Dale Mathis
Dale Mathis