Februar y 202 5
Pr esents t h e

Musette Gazett


azac c ord ions4e ver@ gmail.com Web site: Ariz onaac c ord ion c lub .c om
Our Club h eadl i ner wil l onc e ag ain be Dr. Jeff Gros ser. Chec k out Dr. Jeff at drje ffg rosser. bandcam p.com to list en to and/o r pu rchas e his musi c. Dr Jeff pla yed at the club a bout the same ti me last yea r bringing years of Pr of essional perfo rming expe ri e nce. Than k you Dr Jeff Gro sse r in adv ance.

Next me





be Saturda

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Az America n Ita lia n Club 7509 N. 12th St. Phoenix, AZ 85020 (602) 944 -3090
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 2



Presiden t V ac an t Vic e Presiden t Chuck V oinovich Secret ary Leigh Dechaine T reasurer Diane Mar den
Board Of Director s P aul Betk en (602 ) 471-9310 Chuck V oinovich (480) 451- 4416 Dennis Humlicek ( 602) 944-2854 Diane Mar den ( 60 2) 309- 3730 Leigh Dechaine (623) 582-3746

Words from the boar


V .P . Messag e: Th ank y ou f or a success ful 2024. We c ou ld not ha v e done it without y our member ship and atten dan ce. Special Thank Y ou to all our perf ormer s. Decem- ber had mor e Accor dion lov er s than an y other mon th. January 2025 was a very close to Decem- ber . Please k eep the momen tum going by r enew- ing your membership, perf orming, and coming to the meetings. If you ar e sh y about perf orming join th e jam. In vit e y our friends and neighbor s f or a fun time. C U @ t he Ariz on a Accor dion Club Chuck V. the V .P .
HONOR AY M EM BERS P e t e Dona t ella * T ed Lee * Dr . Jon V an Such * Joh n Cesin g e r * Jo e Kin o * Al M on ti Helen Criscio * Flac o J imene z * T o n y Lo v el lo * Fr an k M ar occ o * An th o n y Galla -Rin i M yr on Flo r en * Art V an Dam m e * Ar t M e tzler * Len n y Simmons * Fr an k Y ank o vic
Face Book ARIZONAAC CORDION CLUB Website: Arizona accordionclub.com
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 3 Ron Brzoska was up fir st pla yi ng Lakeshore Pol k a Cherr y P ink Grandpa Johns I’m in Love wit h you Ci ty H all Das K upstein
Dale Mathis gave us a d emo of the Korg Accordion and play ed Alfie s Polka Edelw eiss Pi a no Song In the Moo d Old Time rs Polka (Golden Star) You r Cheatin Hea rt Girl from Ipa nema
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 4
Leigh Dechai ne played Lad y of Spain South  of th e Bord er Sou ix City Sue San  Antonio Ro se Blue Moon of Ken tu c ky Little Red Win g Wh at would you d o in Minn esota
Sylv ia Jorgensen playing Life in the Finnish W oods Swa y Hey God Bless Am erica Sakkijarv en Polkka (Fi nnish Folk Song)
Sylvia w as traveling thru the bar and heard it was someone’s Birthday . She retrieved her accordion, w ent back and pl ayed Happy Birth- day for them.
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 5
Leigh Dechaine joined Sy lvia Jorgensen for a couple of num bers
Daniel Luedders p laying his Italo Ame rican That Silver -Haired Daddy of Mine In The Moun tain Le t th e Sun shin e in Ch ic agoland Twirl P ol ka La sagn a P olka Blue   Skirt Waltz Cle veland Polka Ch erry  Polka Tock -Tock Oj Marick a Pegla ( Sloven ian ) Oh Marie Pol ka Eu clid Ve ts Polka
Bill Burkett pla y ing his Mandoli n w ith Phil Goldberger . Bill pretty much plays w ith everyone. Thanks Bill
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 6
P aul Betki n pla ying on a b or r o w ed acc or d ion Am eri c a
Whit e Chris tmas R ememb er Sept ember M oo n Riv er Al l of Me T e a 4 T w o San t a Clause is coming to T o wn Gimme a Little Kiss
Phil Goldberger ac c omp anied by Bill Burke tt
Y ou ar e my Su n shin e Oh How We Danc ed Sen tim en tal Jou rne y
The Ari zona Acc ordion Club
Pag e 7
CONCERTO ACCORDION- ac ous tic an d d igital ac - c ord ion. Askin g $2,195.50 The fam ous “Conc erto” ac c ord ion d esig n ed in the USA b y Acc ordions Interna ti onal. N O BA T- TERY NEEDED! This a cc ordion an d all o f its elec - tronic c omp onen ts are i n e xc elle n t c osm e ti c an d fi ne workin g order. Th e C onc erto is easy to u se, o ff ers wo rld -class s ound s and digital e ff ects from the grill f or both the l e ft -hand bass and the right - ha nd treble. P aul Betkin 602- 471 - 931 0
Amazing Technics KN 70 00 ke yb oard arran ger. Comes with stan d , c arrying case, and instru c tions book. Th ese routin el y sell f or $1 50 0. 00 and up Syl via J orgen sen 25 3 84 5 9321 In Mesa, Az $8 00 .00
Lo Du c a with Casott o t on e ch amber . Leigh Decha in e $750.00 6 23 -582 - 3746
12 803 W Desert Glen Dr. Sun City West Az. 85 37 5


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Our CL UB DUES ar e DUE January 2025. Thank you f or supporting the club every single year with y our attendance, y our perf ormances, y our friendship, and y our dues. Tha t combo k eeps us aliv e and ex cit ed and will allow us to host the meetings at Az American It alian Club and to in vite the pla y er s we enjoy the mo s t .
JOIN THE AAC BE A MEMBER! Include this for m w ith $35.00 for one-year membership fee payable to: Arizona Accordion Club. Send to : Az Accordion Cl ub 1 1 14 W Culver St Phoenix, AZ 85007 Full Na me _____ ______________ ___ __ _____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ Mailing Address _____ _________________ __ _____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ City____________ __ Sta te __ _____ _ Z ip _____ ___ ____ Phone Nu mbe rs Wor k ___________________ Cell: ______________ __ Fax : _______ ____ ___ ____ __ E-mail : __ ________________ _____ ___ _ W ebsite: __________________________ Updates of Accordion Events e -mailed to you? Y es No News letter s will be on line a nd emailed . Print ed copies MUST Be r e- ques ted in print on y our r enew al f orm . CIRC LE: New Member Gift Membership Renewal Address Change http://www .azaccordions4ever@gmail.com
Ariz ona Accordion Club Membership Form Please Print or T ype All Information